"In the story "Three Dimensions of Time," each decision the main character could have made became its own reality (Lightman 18-22). In all three dimensions, he had to choose whether or not to go see a particular woman. One of the decisions he made, in which he chose not to go see the woman again, produces more promising results than the other two decisions he makes. When he makes his decisions, he looks at the short-term goals first to see how he may or may not get along with the woman, which would lead him to foresee what their future together (long-term goal) would be like. Each time he makes a decision, he believes it is the correct path, and so he follows it and makes it a reality. Finally, he weighs the advantages of each option before choosing what may be the right path." <<<Link to Article Text is in response to Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman.
Your assignment is to develop a narrative that spawns multiple layers of alternate possibilities. What if I do this? or then go do this? Will this happen? or will that happen? You are required to develop a script for a voiceover that will narrate your piece.
Due Dates:
Script & Sketches Due Sept. 18th (Via Email)
Mid Critique to Check progress Sept. 27th
Final Critique Oct. 4th
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